To sync a course update please follow these step by step instructions below:
1) Switch your device on by pressing the top left button.
2) Connect your Shot Scope device via mobile.
3) Navigate to the 'Courses' tab on the app. This will be on the bottom bar of an iOS device and in the menu drop down of an Android device.
4) If you have previously subscribed to a course then an update will be in the 'Ready to Sync' section which will have a red notification beside it to indicate this. If there is no update showing please unsubscribe to that course and re-subscribe to see the update. If you are not already subscribed to the course then search for the course in question and tap the 'Subscribe' button to the right of it.
5) Tap on the 'Ready to Sync' button near the top of the screen.
6) Tap on the 'Tap to Sync' button beside the course name. You can sync as many or as few courses as you would like.
I have done the hard reset twice now, just like Craig and Marc, and I still can't update my courses. Syncing courses has been at 0% for two hours now….
I did the reset and it worked.⛳️
Having followed the instructions above. And also after having hard reset the watch, logged out of the mobile app completely and logged back in. The courses are still refusing to sync. The progress bar is just frozen at 0%
I am having the same issue as Craig Hall. Nothing is syncing and remains at 0%
Update for anyone who needs it.
I “forget this device” unpaired the x5 on iphone and re-paired x5 in bluetooth settings and courses sync no problem now.
I hope that helps!
I managed to get mine to sync by first unpairing every Bluetooth connection to the phone, earphones, Apple Watch, eveything, then connect the X5 watch and only the X5 watch and at that point the courses did sync without any issue.
Was having the same issue, was able to get it to work by forgetting the watch in the phone bluetooth settings. Then re-connected to the watch in the shotscope app. Worked like a champ after that.
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